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First [N2N] Event!

In 2 days we are having our very first Neighbor -2- Neighbor Event.  I am so excited to head down there and begin God’s work.  We have close to 20 people coming or more.  Thanks to our church family, we also have many people who will be keeping us in their prayers this weekend.  That is needed and much appreciated.  Event is September 24, 2011.  Carpool meets at 8 a.m. here at church.  God is go moving and working in our city, and cannot wait to see it unfold.

(Feedback from Saturday’s trip will be posted this coming week.)


C3MI Peru Trip

C3MI Peru Trip – As a student of the C3 Ministry Institute, interns are required to participate in an international mission trip to better understand cultures outside of the United States and how we can better impact the planet with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  This summer our C3mi interns will be traveling to Lima, Peru (July 16-26) to partner with location missionaries and pastors to share the gospel with the Peruvians.  We are confident that the Lord has led us to this specific location.  We have been learning conversational Spanish, preparing worship songs in Spanish and learning as much as we can about the culture and people.  Our ministry partner, Adventures in Missions, has also provided training material that we are currently working through.  The population in Peru is 7 million.  Over half of the people living in Lima and the surrounding areas live in “extreme” poverty.  Alcoholism and mystic beliefs surround and oppress many of these people.  We invite you to partner with our C3mi team, and join us in praying over the needs listed below. 

Points of Prayer:

  • That God would continue to help us raise the funds needed for this trip.  Please see dates of Fundraising Endeavors below.
  • Pray that the oppressed people that we will be encountering in Peru will be open to the Gospel.
  • Pray for the exact ministry work we would be doing as we work with the missionary.
  • Pray that the team grows in unity and continues to prepare under God’s authority.

Team Members:

Jen Adams, Jamie Brown, Natalie Hayden, Josh Kluge, Elise Mullins, Michael Reed, Sam Schenck, Wyatt Trafton, Joel Westwood, Ed Earll, Jane Hayden, Diane Trafton, Angela Presley

If you would like to sign-up for our Peru News weekly email please contact Michael Reed at:

Mission Sunday November 14th

                                           Guatemala Missions Trip

  • January 22 – 29, 2011
  • Team will primarily be building two houses for the widows of the small village of Joyabaj. The houses are a concrete floor 14′ x 19′, framed wood walls, and a tile roof. 
  • Cost:  $5,600 for both houses complete with a propane stove
  • 100% of the offering goes directly to the materials in the house
  • We will need to bring our own tools – approx. $1,200. 
  • We will also be presenting some music (concerts) for evangelical purposes.

Prayer Points:


  1. Safety and Health – Last winter, 10 of the 17 team members got sick; four had to go to the hospital.  (Interesting statistic – all four that went to the hospital are going back this year!)
  2. Logistics – We will be traveling with critical tools, nails, hinges, etc., possibly 750 pounds of supplies.  Last trip, we were stopped at customs.  Each item is critical to the building process, along with the local vendors pouring the concrete floor, delivery of the wood in a timely manner, and the delivery of the roofing tile as well.  Logistics are important with such a short timetable (5 days).
  3. Spiritual – That our overall spiritual objective is met by serving the widows of Guatemala and continuing to build relationships with the saved and unsaved in Joyabaj. 



Each of our last four trips has continued to solidify our relationship with the people of Joyabaj.  We now have open invitations to the local public school, the local church, and open air concerts in the square.  We currently have 125 new Christians at the Christian school.  We have provided them with books on discipleship which they used to train the entire student body and now all 325 students have a Quiche’ & Spanish New Testament.  Building upon the trust with these students, last year’s youth trip (2009) where we presented training sessions on the “Names of God” and “Armor of God” helped prepare these young hearts for the harvest this last trip (2010).

World Impact – St. Louis

One of our ministries that SCCC supports is “World Impact” located in north St. Louis.  We will be talking about their vision called “Hearts for the City” in one of our upcoming services. World Impact just had their annual Fall Fest and ministered to 230+ guests.

Last week, three nights in a row, their facility was robbed.  Copper and other metals were stolen off of the roof.  There was roughly $200,000 in damages, but thankfully no more reports of attempted break-ins.

Some prayer points:

  • An area of the roof needs to be secured in case of further attempted break-ins.
  • That God would help them raise funds to cover $200,000 in damages.
  • Extensions of a stone wall need to be made.
  • HV/AC systems need replacements.

If anyone has masonry experience and would be willing to donate some of their time to helping World Impact, please contact them through their website or call (314) 533-8313.  Please commit to praying for this ministry!


Missions Sunday October 3rd

          This month’s focused organization has been around since 1942.  Wycliffe Bible Translators was founded by William Townsend.  Today their main focus is to make sure every nation has a Bible in their own language. In order to accomplish this, they have created an effort called, “Vision 2025.”  This effort is to ensure that there is a Bible translated into every language by the year 2025.  There are still approximately 2,300 languages to be translated.  Wycliffe Bible Translators is also passionate about reaching out to remote people groups and sending out missionaries.  Two of the missionaries that SCCC supports are Ken & Linda Schmitt (currently serving in Thailand).

Prayer Points
-Pray for the missionaries on the frontlines (Ken & Linda Schmitt)
-For Ken’s family
-Vision 2025
-Pray for the Bible-less people groups

Orphanage in Progress

All SCCC members – If you’re curious about where your mission offerings go, this blog will provide regular updates about the mission organizations we support.  In Guntur, India we support an orphanage called, “Hebron Children’s Home”.  This month, things are in full swing with the expansion project to house more children.  Also, 200 Bibles will make their way into India, translated in the Telugu language.  It’s very exciting to see what God’s doing to impact our world.

Hope Unlimited (Brazil)

         Hope Unlimited is a Christian organization whose main purpose is to care for the needs and well-being of the children in Brazil.  In 2009, Hope Unlimited took in and cared for 1,005 children who were abused by parents (commonly drug addicts), on the streets and sometimes forced into a life of prostitution.  By taking the kids out of these situations, they can provide a safe haven for them. They currently are housed in 10 different locations across Brazil.  They not only provide for immediate needs, but most importantly they are shown Christ’s Love and Grace to give them Hope and a fulfilled life in Jesus!

New Blog Smell…

This is SCCC headqurters if you will, for mission supported information.  There will be highlighted mission partners you’ll be able to support and extra information periodically.

Purpose of this page:     to create an Awareness to Missions as a whole, and so you can see your role in missions.