Archive for September, 2010

Missions Sunday October 3rd

          This month’s focused organization has been around since 1942.  Wycliffe Bible Translators was founded by William Townsend.  Today their main focus is to make sure every nation has a Bible in their own language. In order to accomplish this, they have created an effort called, “Vision 2025.”  This effort is to ensure that there is a Bible translated into every language by the year 2025.  There are still approximately 2,300 languages to be translated.  Wycliffe Bible Translators is also passionate about reaching out to remote people groups and sending out missionaries.  Two of the missionaries that SCCC supports are Ken & Linda Schmitt (currently serving in Thailand).

Prayer Points
-Pray for the missionaries on the frontlines (Ken & Linda Schmitt)
-For Ken’s family
-Vision 2025
-Pray for the Bible-less people groups

Orphanage in Progress

All SCCC members – If you’re curious about where your mission offerings go, this blog will provide regular updates about the mission organizations we support.  In Guntur, India we support an orphanage called, “Hebron Children’s Home”.  This month, things are in full swing with the expansion project to house more children.  Also, 200 Bibles will make their way into India, translated in the Telugu language.  It’s very exciting to see what God’s doing to impact our world.

Hope Unlimited (Brazil)

         Hope Unlimited is a Christian organization whose main purpose is to care for the needs and well-being of the children in Brazil.  In 2009, Hope Unlimited took in and cared for 1,005 children who were abused by parents (commonly drug addicts), on the streets and sometimes forced into a life of prostitution.  By taking the kids out of these situations, they can provide a safe haven for them. They currently are housed in 10 different locations across Brazil.  They not only provide for immediate needs, but most importantly they are shown Christ’s Love and Grace to give them Hope and a fulfilled life in Jesus!